'What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!' Romans 7:24-25
Aim: bring you to v24, so you look to Jesus: v25a
Christian life is a supernatural life to be lived in the power of the Spirit: 7:6, 8:4. Romans 7 is complex!
Main point: press home to us the inescapable need we have for the grace of God by the Spirit.
The law is good, but powerless to change you: v7-13
Law is good: v7 'certainly not', conclusion: v12
a) Law exposes sin: e.g. v7b
b) Law arouses sin: v8-11
c) Law is powerless to change you: v13
2. You are fleshy and powerless to change yourself: v14-24
a) A goal I cannot reach: v14
Unspiritual = fleshy - describing capacity, not staus.
We report to King Jesus, but as fleshy people
True of everyone, but Christian gets it
b) An enemy I cannot beat: v18
Not ruling but still indwelling
c) A body I cannot escape: v21
We need a body free from sin - one day!
We cry: What a wretched man I am!...
3. Jesus is alive and powerful to change you.
v25, Romans 7 leads into Romans 8. John 15:5
As you participate in the risen life of Christ, the Holy Spirit produces fruit.